Prestwick Investments, LLC

Representing Buyers and Sellers of Retail Net Leased Investments

An Introduction To NNN Investing

Retail Categories

The Investment

Types of Sellers

The Buying Process

Market Analysis

Highest and Best Use Explained

Location and Site Analysis

Financial Feasibility

Industry Trends

Due Diligence


Low Risks of Default

IRS 1031 Exchange Rules

Sample Lease Agreement

Sample Letter of Intent

Sample Commercial Inspection Report

Sample Letter of Intent



Dear Sirs:

RE: Property Purchase

(The “Property”)

The following sets out the basic terms upon which we would be prepared to purchase the Property. The terms are not comprehensive and we expect that additional terms will be incorporated into a formal agreement (the “Agreement”) to be negotiated. The basic terms are as follows:

1. Parties

The vendor of the Property is:

The purchaser of the Property is:

2. Property

The Property is that certain property with a municipal address of ____________and legally described as:


Free and clear of all liens, charges and encumbrances at Closing, except         _

3. Purchase Price

The purchase price will be the sum of CAD $ (excluding GST) or $ per square foot.

4. Deposit

$          , to be provided upon execution  of the  formal of Purchase and  Sale  Agreement, and  held  by the Vendor in an interest bearing trust account and will be fully refundable if the Conditions Precedent are not satisfied or waived in writing by the Purchaser. Otherwise, the Deposit and interest thereon will be applied to the Purchase Price at Closing. If the Purchaser defaults at Closing, the Deposit and interest will be retained by the Vendor as its sole remedy.

5. Further Deposit

$ , to be provided upon the waiver of the Purchaser’s Conditions and  treated  in the same fashion   as the Initial Deposit. Once paid, and unless the Vend or defaults o n its obligations, the Further Deposit shall become non – refundable to the Vendor.

6. Access to Information

Within days  of  execution  of  this  Letter  of  Intent,  the  Vendor  will  deliver  to  the  Purchaser  copies  of all documents pertaining to the Property and within the Vendor’s control, including all reports including appraisal, environmental, engineering, structural, mechanical, traffic, soils, drainage, foundation and roof reports and all other studies, notices or information pertaining to the condition or status of the Property. All such documents (collectively, the “Materials”) will be listed and referred to in the Agreement.

7. Condition(s) Precedent

The obligation of the Purchaser to purchase the Property will be subject to satisfaction or written  waiver by the   Purchaser

of the following condition(s) (the “Condition(s) Precedent”) within Purchase Agreement:             days after execution and delivery of the  formal

8. Inspection Period & Return of Materials

The  Purchaser  will have days  (the  “Inspection  Period”) from  the  execution  of the  Agreement to  examine the Materials, inspect the Property and complete its other due diligence investigations. The Purchaser may cancel the Agreement at any time during the Inspection Period by written notice to the Vendor, and the Deposit and interest will be returned to the Purchaser. The Materials will be returned to the Vendor or destroyed if the Agreement is not executed within the time provided.

9. Closing

The Closing will occur  not later   than days following the satisfaction  or  written waiver by the Purchaser of the Condition(s) Precedent or on              whichever is later.

10. Costs

The Purchaser and the Vendor will each bear their own expenses in connection with this Letter of Intent and the purchase and sale of the Property.

11. Permits

The Purchaser will be responsible for obtaining all permits and any other authorizations or confirmations from municipal or other approving authorities which may be required by the Purchaser or the Purchaser’s lender. The  Vendor  will provide all necessary consents and authorizations as reasonably requested. The Purchaser will not request any governmental inspections of the Property.

12. Confidentiality

All negotiations regarding the Property will be kept confidential by the parties and will not be disclosed to anyone other than respective advisors and internal staff of the parties and necessary third parties, such as lenders approached for financing.

13. Purchase and Sale Agreement

Upon execution of this Letter of Intent, the Purchaser will prepare a draft of the formal Agreement for the Vendor’s review.

14. Acquisition of Nominee

If title to the Property is held in trust for the Vend or by a single purpose nominee, the Purchaser will be entitled  to purchase the shares of such nominee for the sum of One Dollar ($1.00), and the Vendor will convey such shares and the beneficial interest in the Property to the Purchaser at Closing, with title in the state  contemplated.

15. Sales Commissions

The Vendor will be solely responsible for payment of sales commission in connection herewith.

16. Good Faith Negotiations

Each of the Purchaser and the Vendor will act honestly, diligently and in good faith in their respective endeavours to negotiate, settle and execute the Agreement within                days following the execution of this Letter of Intent.

17. Conduct of Business

While the Letter of Intent or the Agreement remains in effect, the Vendor will operate the Property in the normal and usual course and will keep the Purchaser fully in formed with respect to leasing/ purchasing opportunities or ongoing negotiations and all other material circumstances, including pending or actual litigation, notices received, tenant  defaults or impending defaults which may arise.

18. Not a Binding Agreement

This Letter of Intent does not create a binding contract and will not be enforceable. Only the definitive Agreement, duly executed and delivered by the Vendor and the Purchaser, will be enforceable.

19. Governing Law

The parties agree that the Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Province of Alberta.

Yours truly,



